Vegan, Vegetarian

Brown Bread with Pumpkin Seeds (vegan)


This week, I’m in a mad mood for baking. Over indulging in watching cookery competitions has its effect. Vegan Samosas, Cinammon Apple Pie and bread – lots of bread.

Since seeing The Hairy Bikers make Kartoffelbrot, I couldn’t wait to try the recipe. It was so worth the effort with the Teen asking if I could make it every week!

I now have lots of flour and a box of yeast. Too much temptation for this girl to resist! More baking to be done and this time, I set about devising a recipe for a wholemeal vegan loaf.

It turned out very well. I have to admit I missed the tang of buttermilk but the Teen said she preferred it. High praise indeed!

Compared to the amount of kneading for the Kartoffelbrot, this bread is a joy! It needs no kneading at all (my biceps heaved a massive sigh of relief)!

2 tsp sugar
1 sachet fast acting yeast
1lb brown wholemeal flour
1 tsp salt
3 oz, pumpkin seeds
16 fluid ounces, luke warm water
1 tbsp, sunflower oil and some extra for greasing
Plain flour for dusting

1. Take 5 tablespoons of the water, add the yeast and one teaspoon of sugar. Stir and leave somewhere warm for 10 minutes to activate
2. Combine the flour, remaining sugar, salt and pumpkin seeds in a bowl
3. Add the sunflower oil to the water
4. Prepare the loaf tin by greasing it with sunflower oil and then dusting with flour
5. Add the now activated yeast to the dry ingredients and also the rest of the water. Mix until totally combined (the mix will be wet and no kneading is required)
6. Place in the prepared loaf tin and cover loosely with oiled cling film
7. Put into a warm place to prove for about 30 minutes
8. Heat the oven to 200C degrees (fan oven)/220C (without fan)
9. When proved, place in the centre of the heated oven and bake for 35-40 minutes
10. Check if it is done by tapping the back for a hollow sound
11. Wrap in a clean, damp, towel and leave to cool on a wire rack


One thought on “Brown Bread with Pumpkin Seeds (vegan)

  1. Pingback: Dutch Apple Cake | The Teen in the Attic

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